Benefits of adding a 3D Virtual Tour To Your Hotel Website
Virtual tours will surely increase traffic on your website. Just as a photograph does, virtual tours take your customers around the best parts of your hotel and show them what they want to see. Virtual tours differ from ordinary photos in that they are three dimensional (3D), creating an impression that the customers are standing in that part of the hotel they are seeing.
Worried about cost? Virtual tours are less expensive in terms of cost and planning than conventional videos. Aside from that, it brings you so many outstanding benefits which include:
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The Virtual Search For A Wedding Venue
Using virtual tours to choose wedding venues will help wedding planners, the couples and their families to go through your interior decorations, layout, amenities, various spaces, views, etc. It allows them to imagine themselves as if there were physically in that venue. This will be for many people, the first taste of your hospitality. Giving this couple-to-be a good virtual tour of the venues will make them shortlist the ones they want and then ultimately choose the most preferred. Even before they enter the venue, they have already had a feel of what you can offer.
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3D Cameras Mean More Than Just Virtual Property Tours
3D cameras allow prospective buyers or occupiers of spaces to go on virtual walkthroughs of buildings in 360 degrees, stitched together for interactive touring like Google Street View. It’s a substantial upgrade from the static photo gallery in every way; the ability to freely see every corner of a given space is something that standard photography simply can’t achieve.
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A 3D scanner in every pocket?
A Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera is a depth sensor that uses infrared rays to estimate the distance to objects in its field of new. This is comparable to the process used to create 3D images with laser scanners, but the measurements are taken with infrared wavelengths. The name “time-of-flight” refers to the time an infrared ray takes to be sent and returned to the sensor after hitting an object. Because the speed of light is constant, the device can make a calculation of how far away one object is based on that timing of the return beam.
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